世界自然遗产: 科罗拉多大峡谷[左右半宽3D](720P)(World Natural Heritage USA Grand Canyon ) |
【片名】: |
World Natural Heritage USA Grand Canyon |
【中文】: |
世界自然遗产: 科罗拉多大峡谷[左右半宽3D](720P) |
【国家】: |
美国 |
【上映】: |
2012-05-15 |
【片长】: |
85 (分钟) |
【评分】: |
6.3/10 |
【导演】: |
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【主演】: |
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【剧情】: |
The Grand Canyon will forever remain unexplored and untouched. No one will ever be able to visit it. The area is inhospitable, the journey there too dangerous. This is the conclusion of a failed expedition, drawn by Joseph C. Ives in 1858. But he was wrong. Since then, more than 100 million tourists have visited the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.
The Grand Canyon is a unique area, painstakingly carved into stone by one single river over a period of millions of years. Inch by inch. The result is a canyon of indescribable and unique beauty. A canyon that overcomes some 4000 metres from the summit of its highest elevation, to the banks of the Colorado, thereby embracing five climate zones.
This is also why the Grand Canyon can boast an unrivalled density of flora and fauna. Desert and mountain dwellers live here in the immediate vicinity, sharing a unique biosphere.
Nowhere else can the geological era be so perfectly determined by means of the rock formations adjacent to the ancient paths, that lead from the edge of the canyon to the riverbanks of the Colorado.
2 billion years of Earth’s history made comprehensible. For this reason alone, the Grand Canyon is rightfully a World Natural Heritage Site worthy of protection and an ideal symbiosis of economy and ecology.
大峡谷Grand Canyan位于美国亚利桑那州西北部科罗拉多河中游、科罗拉多高原的西南部,是地球上最为壮丽的景色之一,由深邃的山谷所夹峙,分成南壁与北壁两部分。南壁因交通方便,也有旅社等设施,而且在冬季雪期,仍能欣赏天然奇景,因而成为观光大峡谷的中心。
自冰河时代开始,直到今天,在无数世纪间,科罗拉多河不断地侵蚀大地,终致形成这一大峡谷,长度达347公里。该峡谷起于马布尔峡谷,终端为格兰德瓦什崖,全长446公里,是世界上最长的峡谷之一。峡谷顶宽6至28公里,最深处1800米。从谷顶到谷底需3至4小时。谷底两岸的宽者小于1公里,窄处仅120米。两侧的谷壁呈阶梯状。谷底水面不足1000米宽,夏季冰雪融水下注,水深增至18米。山石多为红色。从谷底至顶部沿壁露出从前寒武纪到新生代各期的系列岩系,水平层次清晰,岩层色调各异,并含有各地质时期代表性的生物化石,故有“活的地质史教科书”之称。 而今天,由于我们人类的过度开发,我们的地球濒临干涸,因为这颗星球上很多纯净的水资源正在以我们无法想像的速度大肆流逝。科罗拉多河,这条美国最具代表性的河流,大峡谷的骄傲杰作,世界首选的旅游胜地,就让它的故事来告诉我们如何拯救这个危在旦夕的星球,如何应对世界水短缺吧。